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Culver Elementary School

Home of the Cheetahs

Culver House System

Culver Houses

What is the House System?

Students earn House Points for their houses to work towards a House Party celebration. We will have 4 House Celebrations, 1 per 9-week grading period. Students can earn House Points by following the Ron Clark Essential 55 Rules, helping those in need, showing excellent manners, and academic achievement. To make this work, it will require consistency of these rules both at school and at home. We hope you will hold your child to these high expectations wherever they go.

To encourage participation, our students support their house by wearing their house color every Friday.  Students may wear a colored shirt representing their house color or spirit shirts from the school that reflects their house.  You can purchase house shirts through SchoolCash Online. There will also be House Spirit Days on our House Party days where your child can go “all out” and support their house by wearing their colors. Students can show their spirit by wearing beads, colored socks, tutus, bows, etc. on Spirit Days.

We appreciate your support and we look forward to seeing the growth of your student, both academically and socially.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

The Why Behind RCA


Essential 55

Implement processes that build character



Builds relationships between:

teachers to students

students to students


School Spirit

Being a member of a house builds school spirit and encouraging others to be their best selves.