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Culver Elementary School

Home of the Cheetahs

Parent and Student Information

Attendance at Culver

Every day counts! At Culver we care that every student shows up to school, all day every day. Culver is committed to working with families to ensure that every student attends school regularly and achieves their full potential. By prioritizing attendance, we can create a brighter future for all our students. The tardy bell rings at 7:15 and attendance is taken at 9:15 daily. 

Kindly ensure that all excuses and doctor's notes are submitted directly to the front office. Please refrain from emailing or texting excuses to classroom teachers. Parents and guardians have 5 school days from the date of the absence to provide documentation. Excuses and notes may be dropped off at the front office or emailed to Mrs. Dolores Ramirez at We appreciate your cooperation and attention to this matter.

Contact information if your student is absent:

Please send a note with your student or an email to:

Dolores Ramirez –  

Replacement ID Badge

Replacement Student ID Badge

Per district requirements, students are required to wear their ID badges everyday.
If you need a replacement, please follow the link or use the QR code below. 

Replacement Student ID Badge-SchoolCash Online

QR Code for Replacement student ID

Dismissal Changes

Dismissal changes must be submitted in writing by 2:00 PM daily to the below FOUR people:

1. Wanda Mercer:

2.Dolores Ramirez:

3.Tiffany Koteras:

4.Homeroom teacher

These will be documented and handed out daily.


Dismissal Changes on Early Release Days

Dismissal changes must be submitted in writing by 10:30 AM.


Culver Spirit Days are on MONDAYS

Students may wear Culver spirit gear every Monday to show their school spirit.

Culver House Days are on FRIDAYS

Students may wear Culver house colored shirts every Friday to show their house spirit.